Tuesday, April 29, 2008

bubble school

The bubble school is letting another 5 teachers go this year. All under the pretense that these teachers wanted to leave. not so much. one has been there for 11 years. they have been on her for a couple years. she finally decided to sign the paper. the paper TBW wouldn't sign.
the spanish teacher - gone. the spanish they had once a week isn't needed anymore since they have already gotten "blue ribbon" certification. the one teacher, i am stunned lasted as long as she did. i would say she is a "sister" but i could be wrong... don't think so though. the parents don't get it. are lied to... but how one principal can ruin the lives of people who have been dedicated to these kids is beyond me. not to mention which she is definately a "sister" - although i don't think i want her classified with me. times have changed. it is a bubble which will one day burst. oozing its yuck all over the town. can't wait until we are finished there... one more month!!!

i won't even get into this video i am doing for the 8th grade graduation... it is another post and another mess. the virgin cindy, (the vice principal) is spouting orders on what i can and can't do... one more month!!!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

you're early... you're late...

well, i don't know which i am. you see with D2, she swears up and down every time we go to a game or practice that we are always late. late. late late! then today on the way to practice, she says, "Oh no, we are five minutes early again." Teenaged logic my friends. Don't try to understand it. Don't try to joke about it. Don't try to be logical. Don't just tell it like it is. Just accept the fact that you are:

not funny,
and did i mention...

i have wanted to call my mom many times during the past week. it is hard. i know it will get harder.

work tomorrow... yuck. don't like that alarm at 5:30 a.m.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Well, my Mom passed away the night I left. We all knew she would. It didn't really hit me until this week, when I would go to call her each night after work. I can't say enough nice things about the folks I work with - they gave me six paid days off and supported me. My rock as always, is and was, TBW.

We made it through the wake, the funeral service, the luncheon after. All of my family welcomed her - they didn't ask questions, we didn't put up a billboard - they just accepted us. I have lots of stories to tell - but that will be another day.

My sister and her family were in for almost a week. We had a house full - but it made the time fly by quickly. We still have to clean out her house... pay her bills... settle her finances... She is still with me. It feels like my support is gone. I get support from others, but there is a safe feeling you get only from your Mom.

We received a beautiful card from one of her dear friends - the saying inside is awesome. I am going to print it out for each of our kids. Death of someone you were close to gives you pause to take stock in your life and how you treat others. A simple smile, a warm hello - we need to give to each other. There is no one to credit for the poem - just Gibson cards...

A Mother's Love is Forever...

As children, we can't comprehend or fully realize -
The meaning of our mother's love,
how tender and how wise.
The patience and forgiveness
that are a part of every day.
The unexpected "little things"
she does in her own way.
Years go by before we can look back on life and see.
Through older eyes and wiser hearts
her love and loyalty.
And yet it's these and other special things
we all hold so dear.
For memories of her steadfast love will keep her ever near...

Friday, April 11, 2008

missing mom

i spent the weekend with my mom. she was bed-ridden, and not doing very well. i am so grateful for the time we shared together. i think she was too. she told me stories, some were real and some made me giggle at the thought of them - because they could never happen. D1 asked me if she was crazy - i told her it was like she was dreaming out loud and combining things from her life. she had her martini on saturday, part of a beer on sunday and she died early in the morning tuesday. leaving her monday night was very hard, but something i knew i had to do for her to let go.

it was worth the effort it took to get me there. financially, emotionally and physically. i will go into more detail about my trip later.

take the time to let those around you that are close know how special they are. i talked to my mom almost every day on the phone - even if it was to say "i love you" and "gotta go". i miss her.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

random happenings

Emmett - one of our beloved doggies, went to the opthamologist the other day. He has no optical nerve and no retinas. He is blind. He won't get better. It is sad. But he loves us and now sits and lies right near us. That is cute.

We got our carpets cleaned today. Along with the chair and the couch - they look awesome. We are please - it is like we just bought the place.

Since the carpets were still wet and the furniture was in the kitchen - we used that as an excuse to go out for dinner. We are stuffed. TBW has her pants undone for some relief - that too makes me happy.

We both get to wear jeans tomorrow to work. Need I say more?

I got a couple good books at the library today. Why don't they stock some good lesbian stories? They might not go over too well in the bubble. TBW and I would like them.

My Mom had a good day. No complaints.

It is time to cuddle in and watch survivor... It is all good...